Aug 9, 2012

Two SDSS data pulls around Pal5

proper motions
ra, dec, psfmag_g, gmr, pm_ra, pm_dec, pm_ra_err, pm_dec_err
pulled with web interface

Fe/H and z redshift
elodieFeH, elodieZ, elodieZErr, z, zErr, ra, dec, g, r
pulled with SQL, i.e.:

SELECT s.ra, s.dec, s.psfmag_g, (s.psfmag_g - s.psfmag_r) as gmr,
    pm.pmra, pm.pmdec, pm.pmraerr, pm.pmdecerr
FROM star s
    JOIN propermotions pm ON s.objid = pm.objid 
   s.ra BETWEEN 239.38 AND 243.38
   AND s.dec BETWEEN 5.2 AND 7.2

Both data files cover the same areas, as suggested by Nitya: Combined separate queries +/- 2 degrees in RA, and +/- 1 degree in Dec around the following pointings:
    RA      DEC
1) 226.5, -2.5
2) 228.36, -0.66
3) 230.22, 0.75
4) 232.08, 2
5) 233.94, 3.2
6) 239.52, 5.9
7) 241.38, 6.2

SDSS: CMD and Velocity cuts (no members found)

Again, the second (Fe/H, z) SDSS dataset (/home/ch558/palomar5/sdss_pal5_fehz.csv).

CMD cut selects 1880 of the 16982 members. None of those then pass the velocity cut (-70 < * < -35 km/s). Only 3 of the 16982 stars pass the velocity cut, none of which also pass the CMD cut.

SDSS Pal5 dataset 2: radial velocities and [Fe/H]

datafile: /home/ch558/palomar5/sdss_pal5_fehz.csv
(columns: eFeH, eZ, eZerr, z, z_err, ra, dec, g, r)

Spatial Coverage:
(white is this datafile, red X's are selected members of Hydra)

[no matches between this SDSS dataset and our Hydra members)

Proper Motion with error bars

Aug 7, 2012

Proper Motion cut

Of 123 possible Hydra members, SDSS has matches for 93. 79 of those pass this PM cut (pm le 10), reducing the number of Hydra members of 109 (those 79 plus the 30 members SDSS does not match).