Aug 9, 2012

Two SDSS data pulls around Pal5

proper motions
ra, dec, psfmag_g, gmr, pm_ra, pm_dec, pm_ra_err, pm_dec_err
pulled with web interface

Fe/H and z redshift
elodieFeH, elodieZ, elodieZErr, z, zErr, ra, dec, g, r
pulled with SQL, i.e.:

SELECT s.ra, s.dec, s.psfmag_g, (s.psfmag_g - s.psfmag_r) as gmr,
    pm.pmra, pm.pmdec, pm.pmraerr, pm.pmdecerr
FROM star s
    JOIN propermotions pm ON s.objid = pm.objid 
   s.ra BETWEEN 239.38 AND 243.38
   AND s.dec BETWEEN 5.2 AND 7.2

Both data files cover the same areas, as suggested by Nitya: Combined separate queries +/- 2 degrees in RA, and +/- 1 degree in Dec around the following pointings:
    RA      DEC
1) 226.5, -2.5
2) 228.36, -0.66
3) 230.22, 0.75
4) 232.08, 2
5) 233.94, 3.2
6) 239.52, 5.9
7) 241.38, 6.2

SDSS: CMD and Velocity cuts (no members found)

Again, the second (Fe/H, z) SDSS dataset (/home/ch558/palomar5/sdss_pal5_fehz.csv).

CMD cut selects 1880 of the 16982 members. None of those then pass the velocity cut (-70 < * < -35 km/s). Only 3 of the 16982 stars pass the velocity cut, none of which also pass the CMD cut.

SDSS Pal5 dataset 2: radial velocities and [Fe/H]

datafile: /home/ch558/palomar5/sdss_pal5_fehz.csv
(columns: eFeH, eZ, eZerr, z, z_err, ra, dec, g, r)

Spatial Coverage:
(white is this datafile, red X's are selected members of Hydra)

[no matches between this SDSS dataset and our Hydra members)

Proper Motion with error bars

Aug 7, 2012

Proper Motion cut

Of 123 possible Hydra members, SDSS has matches for 93. 79 of those pass this PM cut (pm le 10), reducing the number of Hydra members of 109 (those 79 plus the 30 members SDSS does not match).

Aug 6, 2012

SDSS proper motions for Palomar 5

First, spatial plot and proper motion (pm_ra and pm_dec added in quadrature) histogram for all stars from SDSS:

Next, using spherematch to find overlap with the hydra members:


Aug 2, 2012

Palomar 5 Project Summary

Files for this project can be found in /home/ch558/palomar5/

Membership Selection:
cmd: dist le 0.1 to isochrone
(isochrone dist modulus = 16.808, see for extinction, etc)
velocity cuts: -70 < * < -40 km/s
cmd: dist le 0.1 to isochrone
(isochone dist modulus = 16.808, see for extinction, etc)
velocity cuts: -70 < * < -35 km/s
magnesium: on a plot of (mg1 + mg2) vs (mgb), members are < 2 from (0.15,1.0)
velo: -80 < * < -30
(done in and 

Overlapping data:
========================= gives overlaps between keck and hydra data finds doubles in the hydra data looks for overlap between odenchirken's data and keck+hydra

Relevant code:
Reads in keck, hydra, and oden data and combines it (requires that the alldata_Pal5.fits.gz and allhydra_Pal5.fits.gz files have usable x.member columns (that = 1 for members). Plots l*cos(b) versus velocity, creates bins. Plots the bins and the dispersion bins, and then does a linear fit to the velocity bins. Prints slope of fit line (the velocity gradient per degree) and the average dispersion.
Same as, but only looks at the center of pal5 (limits made and can be changed in the binning section of the code... change max_covered's first definition to control start point of binning and then change n_bins and the binning increments to adjust end point)
Finds overlap between hydra and keck
Finds doubles in the hydra data
Looks for overlap between odenkirchen's data and keck+hydra
Does selection for keck data, including lots of plots showing the cuts. Requires the besancon model (mw-model.resu) and m92.iso isochrone)
Same as, but for hydra data. 

Note: is for keck data, for hydra data. Both have commented-out sections at the end which write the "member" column back to the fits file

Data files:
(both files have member=1 for members selected by [hydra]

(membership cuts only done in,, "just in time")

(two-column file listing indicies for pairs in hydra data after a quality cut)

Misc Notes
Hydra systemic error calculated to be +/- 9.8, this has already been 
added into the fits file errors

What's Next
• The doubled stars (,, should be folded
into each other, rather than being counted multiple times.

• In, try fitting the velocity gradient line to all of the
member stars, instead of binning them (likely will just give far too much 
weight to the center of Pal5, but easily tried)

• Membership probabilites instead of hard binary cuts. Right now the members are likely, but not secure.

Palomar 5 center velocity gradient

Velocity gradient: 0.314982 km/sec per degree
This value is very sensitive to changes in bin size, bin number, and what is chosen as the edge of the center.

Average dispersion: 1.506 km/sec

Palomar 5 Velocity Gradient

All members, velocity and dispersion. Linear fit done with robust_linefit.

Velocity gradient: 0.4236 km/sec per degree
Odenkirchen's velocity gradient: 1.0 ± 0.4 km/sec per degree

Our average dispersion: 2.8 km/sec
Odenkirchen's dispersion: 4.7 km/sec OR 2.2 km/sec (when removing two outliers)