Jun 1, 2012

Leo II density plots

Continuing with Leo II, with a cleaner SDSS data pull for the same square degree of sky (notably, nothing fainter than r=22.0). This changes the color-magnitude diagram for Leo II:

This greatly reduces the number of stars included in the selected stellar population. However, as seen below, it still gives a useful population.

Main progress today code-wise is spatially plotting the population as 2d histogram based on density, rather than simply plotting ra/dec points. Plotting the newly pulled SDSS data around Leo II using this method, prior to doing population selection, gives the following graph:

Leo II is already clearly visible in this graph, seen as a ring like in the previous non-density spatial plots. Reducing the data included to just the selected stellar population around the isochrone cleans up the plot, leaving Leo II distinctly visible. Notably, the center of the ring is left empty, indicating a good selection.

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