Jun 4, 2012

Leo IV: Recreating discovery paper plots

I have been working on recreating plots from the Leo IV (and other dwarf) discovery paper (BELOKUROV ET AL. 2007). Here are plots from that paper: 

[spatial of all, smoothed spatial, CMD g-i vs i of inner circle selection]

Pulling data from SDSS covering these same ra and dec ranges, I have made the following plots. First, the simple spatial plotting of all the included stars:

Spatial plot of density: 

Note that Leo IV is at the center, where the bin is white. 

Now for the third graph, the color-magnitude diagram. I have done two separate plots for this, and then a third one which overlays them. First, the g-i,i of all the stars in the dataset:

And then a similar graph but only plotting points within a radius 0.1 from the center of the spatial plot (i.e,  hopefully the Leo IV stars):

Finally, the two overlaid (with the selected stars plotted now as triangles):

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